Alexa is an author and journalist and owner of the beautiful Villa Peng
What does community mean to you?
For me it’s all about conversation and networking. Without my community, I simply couldn’t work the way that I do. Also I would completely lack inspiration. It’s community that gives me the feeling of being up to date and less isolated.
What does "add something better” mean to you personally?
I used to make a lot of my decisions spontaneously. Nowadays, I sleep on the important decisions and question if it’s really the BEST or just the FASTEST solution for a problem or challenge. If it’s not the best solution, I rather cancel or let it be.
What kind of sustainable decisions to you make on a regular basis?
My consumer-behaviour changed basically automatically since I moved to the countryside. I almost never buy fast fashion or dishes in plastic containers anymore and rather cook at home. Same applies to my coffee. I think didn’t have a coffee to go in three years. I think that makes quite a difference.